Stopping the Violence Counselling Program (STV)
If you are in immediate DANGER or fear for your safety, please CALL 911. If you are not in immediate danger, call VictimLink BC at 1-800-563-0808
Individual Counselling.
Free, ongoing. Call 604-659-2217 for more information.
*Please note we are currently experiencing long wait times for this program. We will do our best to inform you of the wait time when you submit to our waitlist.
Individual counselling offered by qualified professionals.
Eligibility: women at the age 19 years or older, who reside in Burnaby and have a history of sexual, physical and emotional abuse, and/or witnessed domestic violence in life time.
Service is open to New Westminster residents if there is a history of childhood sexual abuse. Sufficient safety and stabilization is required if in recovery from substance abuse. A telephone interview is conducted to determine eligibility.
BFL Counselling Services has a reserved emergency hours available for Burnaby women and female youth who have experienced recent abuse. The purpose is to provide immediate support, discuss possible options and provide referrals. Please call 604-659-2217 for information on emergency hours available.
Group Counselling.
Free, donations welcome. Call 604-659-2217 for more information or to register
*Please note we are currently experiencing long wait times for this program. We will do our best to inform you of the wait time when you submit to our waitlist.
Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse (ASSA)
This is a 3-level group that offers psycho-education on the impact of sexual abuse, processing of childhood abuse memories and integration of the learning throughout the group by fostering member’s ability to live in the present without being overwhelmed by the thoughts and feelings of the past. Participants are required to commit to all levels and must have a one-to-one therapist. A screening interview is required to determine eligibility prior to start, so please call ahead to be put on the waitlist.
Discovery and Empowerment
This experiential group will address the impacts of childhood sexual abuse through a creative format. Re-discover yourself, gain skills to cope with the effects of trauma and explore new ways to be empowered.
Mindfulness for Survivors
Mindfulness is the practice of moment to moment awareness. This skill building group will assist survivors of sexual abuse to feel more grounded, peaceful and connected to their mental, physical and emotional experiences with an addition of yoga exercises.
Healing Journey
Healing journey is a psychoeducational support group for women survivors of Intimate Partner Violence. The group provides a safe and supportive place for women to connect and share their experiences, to gain awareness and education on the effects of trauma and move towards trauma healing.