Family Resource Programs
Facilitate parent-child engagement for families with children aged 0-6 years.
Family Resource Programs (FRPs) are welcoming spaces for families with kids aged 0-6. These programs are all about celebrating our community’s diversity and supporting families in fun and meaningful ways. We focus on helping parents build their skills, create enriching experiences for children in the crucial years of their childhood and foster connections within the family and the wider community.
Our FRPs offer support through five key areas:
Family Support
Play-based Learning
Early Learning and Literacy
Parent Education
Information and Referrals
Families are welcome to drop in any time during program hours (Mother Goose requires advanced registration).
A ONE-TIME ANNUAL FEE OF $10 valid for one year (April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025) will be charged for BFL drop-in programs. This is for participation in any BFL Family Resource Programs, at any of our location across the City of Burnaby for all members of the immediate family. You can pay onsite on your first visit or pay in advance using button below.
BFL is committed to maintaining a safe environment for children, families and staff.
Please click here to download our current Family Resource Programs’ Schedule.
Family Resource Programs.
Thursdays 09:30am-11:00am | 10 sessions | Starting April 10 | EDMONDS RESOURCE CENTRE, #205-7355 CANADA WAY
Fridays 09:45am-11:15am | 10 sessions | starting April 10 | 6140 MCKERCHER AVENUE
Tuesdays ongoing | 09:30am-11:30am | 6140 MCKERCHER AVENUE
Wednesdays ongoing | 09:30am-11:30am | 6140 MCKERCHER AVENUE
Thursdays ongoing | 09:30am-11:30am | 6140 MCKERCHER AVENUE
Fridays ongoing | 12:30pm-2:30pm | 6140 MCKERCHER AVENUE (no program April 18)
Tuesdays 3:30pm-5:30pm | 6140 MCKERCHER AVENUE
Wednesdays 9:30am-11:30am | EDMONDS RESOURCE CENTRE, #205-7355 CANADA WAY
Saturdays 10am-Noon | 6140 MCKERCHER AVENUE
Fridays 9:30am-11:30am | EDMONDS RESOURCE CENTRE, #205-7355 CANADA WAY