Each of our locations play a unique role in serving our community.
We are committed to enhance growth and development by providing child care in six licensed centres, parenting support classes, individual support groups, family drop-ins programs, pregnancy outreach programs, and counselling for women and children who have experienced trauma and abuse. BFL’s programs and services aim to support individuals to acquire the skills they need to foster healthy families and communities.
Explore our map and individual locations below to find your programs location.
Please contact us in advance at bfl_info@burnabyfamilylife.org to schedule a visit to any of our locations.
Burnaby Language Centre LINC Child Care
Edmonds Family Resource Programs
Holdom Offices
Edmonds LINC Child Care
Morley Child Care Centre
Montecito Child Care Centre
Kingsway Offices
McKercher Family Resource Programs
Windsor LINC Child Care
Pioneer Offices